Sunday, 29 March 2020

Experiment 2 Submission

Sketch Perspectives

Axonometric and Perspective Gif Animations








Lumion Renders

Sunset Context

Daytime Context

View From Library Space into Central Courtyard with Custom Textures

Studio Spaces

Gallery Space

Student Meeting Area

Lecture Theatre

Main Walkway into Bridge

Moving Elements

A highly reflective sheet of metal slides over the surface of the spiral library facade and simultaneously gives privacy to both people using the library space and courtyard space. The metal reflects light from lamp-posts and showers the center courtyard in a 'cascade' of light, hence the custom textures.

A thick skin of flexible material comes into places over the bridge circulation to give differing atmospheres depending on the time of day.

Walkthrough of the Bridge

The curvilinear form of the bridge becomes evocative of the precedent it was based on. The resolved parallel lines and equal radii of Zaha Hadid's Riverside Museum become contorted and distorted into even more dynamic forms due to the need to adapt to site context and modifications. 

As the bridge has a circular movement from the bottom floor of the squarehouse's workshops to the top floor, the main focus in the commute was obviously going to be centered around the gravitation towards the middle. Therefore, the design incorporated a relaxing courtyard where students can come to enjoy a moment's peace during or after studies. This became the main feature as the intended circulation through the helix-like bridge was centered around the circular movement.  

Thus, the dynamic circular volumes around the courtyard evoke a sense of infinite movement as students frequent between workspace and relaxation space. 

Sketchup File

Lumion Environment

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Experiment 1 Submission

A reimagining of the concept of a ‘showroom‘; where works of art are transported on rail systems and suspended within a luminous light well which concentrates a beam of moonlight onto the artworks and allows for a unique viewing experience up and down the helix of staircases which wrap around the rail system

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Stair Model Assessment Task

Front Elevation

Isometric View

Side Elevation

Top View     

Word 1: City


Word 2: Chroma

Concept Drawing Process

Final Section Sketches

The concept of this stair system is the idea of reflection and refraction.

As seen in word 1: City, there are hollow rectangular shapes which have inverted solid shapes reflected across the datum. I brought this concept through as seen in the side elevation where the form and functionality of a stair can also be seen in the negative space underneath the treads and risers.

Word 2: Chroma shows a splitting or refraction of the idea of a ceiling or roof. I tried to express that in the treads of the stair, where the experience of climbing those steps is irregular and foreign due to the randomised length

I stumbled across the concept of the stair when I was trying to figure out how to combine both words together. I chose to go with number 7 in the end.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Sketchup Model 1 Progress

The main sketch which I based the design of the 3D sketchup model from

Model of the floors

Model of floors with walls

Model next to outer walls.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Three Images


I wanted to depict someone retracting into their own world, and I thought that the tranquility of the night sky expressed the solitude which one experiences upon arriving at this dream-like or even ethereal dimension

Image result for bjarke ingels

This is an innovative prospective project by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG). It is a floating colony of polygonal islands on which people can freely live their lives. It combines multiple emerging technologies and existing ones to replicate everyday life on vast plains of land.

I feel as though the time when I take a shower is very beautiful.
The sounds of the outside world are overwhelmed by a torrent of water droplets. It completely disconnects me from outside influences and allows me to focus on myself.

While taking a shower physically cleanses the dirt and grime from the day; it also emotionally cleanses me.

the_kyza (Khyzyl Saleem, @the_kyza on Instagram)

Noun: City
Verb: Reconstruct
Adjective: Luminous

Mountain & Moon (Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron,

Noun: Moon Light
Verb: Tribute
Adjective: Resplendent

Trent Jansen Studio (

Noun: Structure
Verb: Reimagine
Adjective: Scalloped