Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Three Images


I wanted to depict someone retracting into their own world, and I thought that the tranquility of the night sky expressed the solitude which one experiences upon arriving at this dream-like or even ethereal dimension

Image result for bjarke ingels

This is an innovative prospective project by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG). It is a floating colony of polygonal islands on which people can freely live their lives. It combines multiple emerging technologies and existing ones to replicate everyday life on vast plains of land.

I feel as though the time when I take a shower is very beautiful.
The sounds of the outside world are overwhelmed by a torrent of water droplets. It completely disconnects me from outside influences and allows me to focus on myself.

While taking a shower physically cleanses the dirt and grime from the day; it also emotionally cleanses me.

the_kyza (Khyzyl Saleem, @the_kyza on Instagram)

Noun: City
Verb: Reconstruct
Adjective: Luminous

Mountain & Moon (Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron,

Noun: Moon Light
Verb: Tribute
Adjective: Resplendent

Trent Jansen Studio (

Noun: Structure
Verb: Reimagine
Adjective: Scalloped

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