Sunday, 29 March 2020

Experiment 2 Submission

Sketch Perspectives

Axonometric and Perspective Gif Animations








Lumion Renders

Sunset Context

Daytime Context

View From Library Space into Central Courtyard with Custom Textures

Studio Spaces

Gallery Space

Student Meeting Area

Lecture Theatre

Main Walkway into Bridge

Moving Elements

A highly reflective sheet of metal slides over the surface of the spiral library facade and simultaneously gives privacy to both people using the library space and courtyard space. The metal reflects light from lamp-posts and showers the center courtyard in a 'cascade' of light, hence the custom textures.

A thick skin of flexible material comes into places over the bridge circulation to give differing atmospheres depending on the time of day.

Walkthrough of the Bridge

The curvilinear form of the bridge becomes evocative of the precedent it was based on. The resolved parallel lines and equal radii of Zaha Hadid's Riverside Museum become contorted and distorted into even more dynamic forms due to the need to adapt to site context and modifications. 

As the bridge has a circular movement from the bottom floor of the squarehouse's workshops to the top floor, the main focus in the commute was obviously going to be centered around the gravitation towards the middle. Therefore, the design incorporated a relaxing courtyard where students can come to enjoy a moment's peace during or after studies. This became the main feature as the intended circulation through the helix-like bridge was centered around the circular movement.  

Thus, the dynamic circular volumes around the courtyard evoke a sense of infinite movement as students frequent between workspace and relaxation space. 

Sketchup File

Lumion Environment

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